Giving up or Taking Control?

Hello. This is my first post. Thank you for reading.  I am 43 and I want to bear a child of my own.  Correction: I WILL bear a child of my own.  I am starting this blog, partly out of frustration and partly out of love.  I was the girl and then woman who tried to follow the rules.  Did well in high school, went to a State University, and then pursued higher education after my bachelor's.  I dated with the intention of serious relationships and marriage or so I thought.  Hindsight sure is 20/20.  I didn’t make choices that would yield my goal. So here I sit out of time.  So am turning my back on marriage and family or am I taking control? 

There are sooooo many things about life that you realize as you get older. And it is hard to heed the warnings when you are young.  But I did listen when many people said "you are young, you have time." Their intent was a compliment but they were wrong in their message. My mission in writing this blog is to share my story and experiences so that other women may be informed and hopefully do listen to this older, now wiser woman.  I want to demystify assisted reproductive technologies in order to empower women to take smart steps on their own journey of health and happiness.  The world of reproductive technologies is vast and overwhelming even for those of us that live and breathe in the healthcare world.  So let me share what I have learned and join me on my journey through IVF (in vitro fertilization).

I hope that my leap of faith in opening up about my journey is that as a collective, we women, can share our fertility journeys in a supportive and informative way, in other words get the dialogue going.  We need to be better informed, period. 


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